Tag Archives: command line

Desativar/ativar túneis Teredo, 6to4 e ISATAP no windows 10

Para desativar os túneis Teredo, 6to4 e ISATAP em Windows 10 deve abrir uma linha de comando com permissões de admin e executar o comando:

netsh int teredo set state disabled
netsh int 6to4 set state disabled
netsh int isatap set state disabled

Para os ativar novamente deve abrir uma linha de comando com permissões de admin e executar o comando:

netsh int teredo set state default
netsh int 6to4 set state default
netsh int isatap set state default


  • https://lonesysadmin.net/2011/04/25/how-to-disable-teredo-ipv6-tunneling-in-microsoft-windows/
  • http://www.blackmanticore.com/da025459d052b5d9a2b37f91067db8b3
  • http://winteladmin.com/disable-tunnelisatap-adapter/

Send email from Linux command line

Every once a while you need to send email from a Linux command line and there you go to google try to find it…

With attachment:

echo "message" | mailx -s "subject" -a attachment email@dress
echo "message" | mutt -s "subject" -a attachment -- email@dress

Without attachment:

echo "message" | mail -s "subject" email@ddress

Postfix by default restrict attachment size to approx 10MB i.e. 10240000 bytes.

You can check it using following command:

postconf | grep message_size_limit

To change attachment-size to say 50 MB, run a command like:

postconf -e message_size_limit=52428800