Configure open-source vmware-tools

Generate the vmware.repo file with so that you can install the files with yum:

echo '[vmware-tools]' > /etc/yum.repos.d/vmware.repo
echo 'name=VMware Tools' >> /etc/yum.repos.d/vmware.repo
echo 'baseurl=$basearch' >> /etc/yum.repos.d/vmware.repo
echo 'enabled=1' >> /etc/yum.repos.d/vmware.repo
echo 'gpgcheck=1' >> /etc/yum.repos.d/vmware.repo

Import the keys so that you can validate the packages:

rpm --import ''

If you need X graphics install it like this:

yum -y install vmware-tools-esx

If you don’t:

yum -y install vmware-tools-esx-nox

Outlook Shared Mailbox Deleted Items Issue

When you delete an email from a Exchange/Exchange on-Line shared mailbox, the deleted mail goes to your mailbox Deleted Items folder when it should go into the shared mailbox Deleted Items folder.

To solve the issue you have to add/change the following registry key:


Add the DelegateWastebasketStyle DWORD with 4 in the value the restart Outlook.

Items that are deleted from a shared mailbox go to the wrong folder in Outlook

Generate SSL CSR (Certificate Signing Request) from Command line without prompt

CSR with special chars?

  • Add -utf8 to the openssl command
  • If connecting via Putty set Windows Translation Remote character set to UTF.8

Without multiple DNS names:

openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -keyout HOST.domain.tld.key -out HOST.domain.tld.csr -utf8 -subj "/C=PT/ST=Açores/L=Ponta Delgada/O=Governo dos Açores/OU=Secretaria Regional das Obras Públicas e Comunicações/OU=Direção Regional das Comunicações/CN=HOST.domain.tld" -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:HOST.domain.tld"

With multiple DNS names:

openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -keyout HOST.domain.tld.key -out HOST.domain.tld.csr -utf8 -subj "/C=PT/ST=Açores/L=Ponta Delgada/O=Governo dos Açores/OU=Secretaria Regional das Obras Públicas e Comunicações/OU=Direção Regional das Comunicações/CN=HOST.domain.tld" -addext "subjectAltName=DNS.1:HOST.domain.tld,DNS.2:HOST01.domain.tld,DNS.3:HOST02.domain01.tld,DNS.4:HOST03.domain02.tld"

Verify the CSR file:

openssl req -in HOST.domain.tld.csr -text -noout

Verify the certificate file:

openssl x509 -in HOST.domain.tld.crt -text -noout

For more information:

CentOS 8 Install Guide

On the install GUI select minimal install

After making a CentOS 8 minimal install and boot up for the first time. Here are, in my view, the tools and “must do” things that you will need for day to day work.

Remove Intel Wifi devices firmware (do this only if you don’t use it):

dnf -y remove iwl*

Update CentOS to the latest packages:

dnf -y update

Install the common use tools:

dnf -y install net-tools bind-utils wget vim

Install Extra Packages for CentOS Enterprise Linux repository:

dnf -y install epel-release

Enable the PowerTools repository (EPEL packages may depend on packages from it):

dnf config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools

If you are in a vmware virtual machine install the virtualization tools:

yum install open-vm-tools

If you need, setup network

systemctl restart network.service

Setup aliases, so that messages from services can be sent to the correct email account:

vim /etc/aliases

Change the root: to the correct email account

# Person who should get root's mail
root: your@email

Then issue the fallowing command so that linux uses the new email account:


Next setup postfix to send email thru a valid mail server

vim /etc/postfix/

Using TLS

relayhost = your.mail.server:587

Without TLS

relayhost = your.mail.server

Finaly restart postfix

systemctl restart postfix.service

If you want you can install logwatch

yum install logwatch

The configure it to send you system logs emails

echo "MailTo = email-logs@dominio" >> /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf Exchange Server Settings

If need to know which are exchange server settings:

Exchange Server
Exchange Server EWS URL
Exchange port:443
TLS/SSL encryption requiredYes
Exchange usernameYour full email address
Exchange passwordYour password

This information is very useful if you’re configuring Gnome Evolution and in some email clients on Android.

Source: What Are the Exchange Settings?

Generate file hash string in Windows 10 command line

Some times you download files from Internet that need to be verified against some hash string.
Windows 10 has a simple command line tool that enables you to generate hash strings for any file: certutil

It’s very simple to use, you only have to change <file> with your file path and <hash alg> with one of the supported Hash algorithms: MD2 MD4 MD5 SHA1 SHA256 SHA384 SHA512

certutil -hashfile

For example:

certutil -hashfile c:\ SHA512

5 Ways to Generate and Verify MD5 SHA Checksum of Any File in Windows 10

Install and setup CentOS7

After making a CentOS 7 minimal install and boot up for the first time. Here are, in my view, the tools and “must do” things that you will meed for day to day work.

Remove Intel Wifi devices firmware (do this only if you don’t use it):

yum remove iwl*

Update CentOS to the latest packages:

yum -y update

Install the tools:

yum install net-tools bind-utils wget vim

If you are in a vmware virtual machine install the virtualization tools:

yum install open-vm-tools

If you need, setup network

systemctl restart network.service

Setup aliases, so that messages from services can be sent to the correct email account:

vim /etc/aliases

Change the root: to the correct email account

# Person who should get root's mail
root: your@email

Then issue the fallowing command so that linux uses the new email account:


Next setup postfix to send email thru a valid mail server

vim /etc/postfix/

Using TLS

relayhost = your.mail.server:587

Without TLS

relayhost = your.mail.server

Finaly restart postfix

systemctl restart postfix.service

If you want you can install logwatch

yum install logwatch

The configure it to send you system logs emails

echo "MailTo = email-logs@dominio" >> /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf

Disable ipv6 privacy addresses in windows 10

Sometimes, mainly in servers, is better to disable ipv6 privacy extensions so that the configured ipv6 address is the only one configured on the firewall rules or the only one that shows up in the logs.

netsh int ipv6 set int Ethernet0 managedaddress=disable
netsh int ipv6 set int Ethernet0 routerdiscovery=disable

After this configuration you will need to configure the ipv6 address and default gateway settings, because the OS will loose them.

To show the newly configured interface issue the fallowing command:

netsh interface ipv6 show int Ethernet0

You will see the following interface parameters disabled:

Router Discovery : disabled
Managed Address Configuration : disabled

To show global parameters use:

netsh interface ipv6 show global

Global Parameters example:

General Global Parameters
Default Hop Limit : 128 hops
Neighbor Cache Limit : 256 entries per interface
Route Cache Limit : 4096 entries per compartment
Reassembly Limit : 100643488 bytes
ICMP Redirects : enabled
Source Routing Behavior : dontforward
Task Offload : enabled
Dhcp Media Sense : enabled
Media Sense Logging : disabled
MLD Level : all
MLD Version : version3
Multicast Forwarding : disabled
Group Forwarded Fragments : disabled
Randomize Identifiers : enabled
Address Mask Reply : disabled
Minimum Mtu : 1280
Flow Label : enabled

Current Global Statistics
Number of Compartments : 1
Number of NL clients : 5
Number of FL providers : 5

For more information:

Desativar/ativar túneis Teredo, 6to4 e ISATAP no windows 10

Para desativar os túneis Teredo, 6to4 e ISATAP em Windows 10 deve abrir uma linha de comando com permissões de admin e executar o comando:

netsh int teredo set state disabled
netsh int 6to4 set state disabled
netsh int isatap set state disabled

Para os ativar novamente deve abrir uma linha de comando com permissões de admin e executar o comando:

netsh int teredo set state default
netsh int 6to4 set state default
netsh int isatap set state default

