Tag Archives: windows

Outlook Shared Mailbox Deleted Items Issue

When you delete an email from a Exchange/Exchange on-Line shared mailbox, the deleted mail goes to your mailbox Deleted Items folder when it should go into the shared mailbox Deleted Items folder.

To solve the issue you have to add/change the following registry key:


Add the DelegateWastebasketStyle DWORD with 4 in the value the restart Outlook.

Items that are deleted from a shared mailbox go to the wrong folder in Outlook

Generate file hash string in Windows 10 command line

Some times you download files from Internet that need to be verified against some hash string.
Windows 10 has a simple command line tool that enables you to generate hash strings for any file: certutil

It’s very simple to use, you only have to change <file> with your file path and <hash alg> with one of the supported Hash algorithms: MD2 MD4 MD5 SHA1 SHA256 SHA384 SHA512

certutil -hashfile

For example:

certutil -hashfile c:\test.data SHA512

5 Ways to Generate and Verify MD5 SHA Checksum of Any File in Windows 10

Desativar/ativar túneis Teredo, 6to4 e ISATAP no windows 10

Para desativar os túneis Teredo, 6to4 e ISATAP em Windows 10 deve abrir uma linha de comando com permissões de admin e executar o comando:

netsh int teredo set state disabled
netsh int 6to4 set state disabled
netsh int isatap set state disabled

Para os ativar novamente deve abrir uma linha de comando com permissões de admin e executar o comando:

netsh int teredo set state default
netsh int 6to4 set state default
netsh int isatap set state default


  • https://lonesysadmin.net/2011/04/25/how-to-disable-teredo-ipv6-tunneling-in-microsoft-windows/
  • http://www.blackmanticore.com/da025459d052b5d9a2b37f91067db8b3
  • http://winteladmin.com/disable-tunnelisatap-adapter/

Windows 7 SP1 Cleanup

Has you know, Windows 7 SP1 is out there for a long time. Maybe what you don’t know is that after installation there’s a lot of junk files that can be deleted with the following command:

[cc lang=”dos” width=”100%”]
DISM.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /spsuperseded